© H. Thedy


Lithophyllum is a calcareous algae with shades of read, pink and white that can build ridges along rocks where waves break and form “corridors” that are as hard as rock. It is covered in small upright lamellae and has many alveoli where a multitude of organisms live.

Main associated species

  • Calcareous algal corridors

Did you know?

The age of one individual can be defined by just measuring it! For example the age of one that is 6 cm in diameter and 1.5 cm thick is estimated as being 3 years old.

Conservation stakes


How can I help to protect them?

  • I do not trample on the areas where they develop
  • I look but don’t touch!
  • I share best practices with and raise awareness of other seafarers
  • I do not leave or attach your sea kayak to these corridors!

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